Yesterday, when I was in the coach coming to the school, like every morning, I grabbed a newspaper (Metro) to read the recent news about England and, in some cases, the world.
While I was reading, a story caught my attention because it was about a girl of 29 years old that is suing her landlords because four years ago when she rented a flat with some of her friends to celebrate her 22nd. birthday, under the effects of alcohol, she opened a window and step out into the roof of the neighbourhoods and start to dance In a skylight, of course that the skylight broke and she went down and hit her head.
Now, is suing her landlords because THEY DIDN'T TELL HER THAT SHE CAN'T DANCE IN THE ROOF WHILE SHE WAS DRINKING! Come on! Jajajaja.
In the newspaper of today, I was reading some e-mails from people around England asking if it was true or it was a joke, and maybe this girl should sue also the beer company for not telling her that alcohol could cause impaired vision, loss of balance and a desire to dance on the roof of a house jajajaja.
Another person is asking for the phone numer of her lawyer, because when she read the story she set on fire the newspaper and tried to eat it. Now she wants to sue The Metro because it didn't say anywhere to not set in fire the newspaper and eat it (of course is a joke).
I never tought that my eyes would see this, it's very funny... and scary jajajaja.
P.S. The name of the girl is Anna Mayers!