Monday 16 April 2007

The City of Light... Paris!

Before I came here many people told me that Paris was the best city they ever been (including my girlfriend), so thas why I decided to stay 4 days instead of 2 in order to get to know as much as I can.
The first day we went to take a walk around Paris and we visit the Eiffel Tower, the Arc the Triomphe, the cathedral Notre Dame and the Champs-Elysées.
The second day we went only to the Chateau de Versailles and to the gardens of that place, maybe you can remember this palace by the film "The Man in the Iron Mask", this was were the film took place.
By the third day we went to the Louvre museum to see many paintings and sculptures, including the "Mona Lisa" by Leonardo Da Vinci and the Venus di Milo statue, and after that we went to the Basilica of the Sacré Coeur.
The last day, we went to the Place de la Concorde, were is the Egyptian obelisk, Paris's oldest monument, and after that we went to see the tumb of Napoleon, but at they were closed and I didn't make it.
I mean, 4 days and I did not have the chance to cover all! Paris is really something in tourism, and is also very beautiful, I do not regreat spending 4 days in this city, I would spend an entire week in there!
Anyway, this was my last trip in Europe, because this weekend I have to go back to my country, to my MEXICO. In one part i'm very excitied of returning, but in the other hand I really want to stay and discover more and more things. I hope that I can have the chance to came back to Europe in the next few years in order to study a master, and then visit the cities that I left: Amsterdam, Normandy, Berlin, Prague, Brujas and other cities and coutries from the east Europe.
But, I least I can say that I have improved my English (at least, I think so) and I have travel around Europe.

Wednesday 11 April 2007

In the Seventh Heaven: Manchester Utd.


Yesterday I saw the game of the Manchester United against Roma, who came with a certain advantage in the global score 2 - 1 from Rome, but now that the game was going to be in the Old Trafford it all seems that the game was going to be closed, with the Roma playing in the defence waiting for a chance to strike and score a goal that gave them an advantage... but the history was another.
Since the first minute, all the players of Manchester went to the front, trying to score since the first minute in order to have the control of the game... and they did it! With a magnificant play of Cristiano Ronaldo, Garrick got the ball a little bit outside of the area and made a perfect shoot, leaving with out chance to the Roma's goalkeeper and decret the 1 - 0.
After that, the second goal was even better, with the motivation in their side, the players of Manchester start to play more relax and with 5 consecutive passes between the team, they reach to the Rome's field and score a beautiful goal, after 1 or 2 minutes, Rooney scores the 3 - 0 and after that, all seems lost for Roma.
The final score of the match was 7 - 1, it was the best match of the Manchester United in the Champions League ever, and the score will be in the memory of all the fans that went to the stadium, and for all those fan that stayed outside (like me) to support the team in the TV.
Excellent game for United... time to make some changes in Roma.

Sunday 8 April 2007

Edinburgh: the Athens of the North

Edinburgh, it really is the Athens of the North of Europe, mainly because it has a place called Calton Hill were is a few structures very similar to the Athenian Acropolis, and is very beautiful, which it has an excellent view of the city and to the sea.
It also has a castle named The Castle of Edinburgh (very creative, uh!), but it's very interesting because for many years, English and Scotish people had fought for the control of this castle, in the time of kings and "dragons", it means a long long time ago, but now is only a museum.
Near to this amazing city is the international Loch Ness, mostly known by the monster that has appered several times in the past... the name of this monster is Nessie, and it has a lot of histories and legends.
What really impressed me, is the number of sheeps that are in this country, I mean, it really really have a lot of them!!!, every part that I turn, there's at least 20 sheeps (well, maybe not that much jajaja).
Another place very interesting is the Arthur's Seat, that is not really a seat were you can sit, it's a hill, a very big hill, were you can see all the city, it's very beautiful.
Well, in resume, Scotland was a country that I really want to knew since the movie "Braveheart", starring Mel Gibson, but not only for the story, also for the places, the green areas (and I mean, really BIG GREEN AREAS), and for the castles.
I hope that in the future I have another opportunity to come back and see much more.

Monday 2 April 2007

Ole Barcelona!

This weekend in Barcelona was very relax, because I didn't take any tours, but I have the oportunity to see the universities were I want to do a master in marketing, and also to visit the Nou Camp Stadium, which is the home field of FC Barcelona.
The most impressive thing that happend to me this weekend was that I had the opportunity to see a match of Barcelona against Deportivo La Coruna, and perhaps "Rafa Marquez" did not play (He's a mexican player), just by seeing Ronaldinho in the field, doing all the moves and passes to goal, was incredible.
After I planned my trip to Barcelona, I search in the web page of this team to see if there was any available ticket, sadly there wasn't, but when I arrive to the stadium to take pictures, a man came to me and sold me a ticket, of course that it was fake, BUT it was a risk that I was willing to take and I was lucky because they let me in!
But the city itself is very beautiful, and if you want to move around the city by Metro is really easy and also very cheap.
I recomend also to visit "La Sagrada Familia", is a temple design by Antoni Gaude and the monument to Cristobal Colon, the man who discover America, that is near to the port.

Wednesday 28 March 2007

A pain in the 'glASS'

Yesterday, when I was in the coach coming to the school, like every morning, I grabbed a newspaper (Metro) to read the recent news about England and, in some cases, the world.
While I was reading, a story caught my attention because it was about a girl of 29 years old that is suing her landlords because four years ago when she rented a flat with some of her friends to celebrate her 22nd. birthday, under the effects of alcohol, she opened a window and step out into the roof of the neighbourhoods and start to dance In a skylight, of course that the skylight broke and she went down and hit her head.
Now, is suing her landlords because THEY DIDN'T TELL HER THAT SHE CAN'T DANCE IN THE ROOF WHILE SHE WAS DRINKING! Come on! Jajajaja.
In the newspaper of today, I was reading some e-mails from people around England asking if it was true or it was a joke, and maybe this girl should sue also the beer company for not telling her that alcohol could cause impaired vision, loss of balance and a desire to dance on the roof of a house jajajaja.
Another person is asking
for the phone numer of her lawyer, because when she read the story she set on fire the newspaper and tried to eat it. Now she wants to sue The Metro because it didn't say anywhere to not set in fire the newspaper and eat it (of course is a joke).

I never tought that my eyes would see this, it's very funny... and scary jajajaja.
P.S. The name of the girl is Anna Mayers!

Sunday 25 March 2007

Rome: la Città Eterna

Rome, Rome, Rome!
Rome, Caput mundi ("capital of the world"), la Città Eterna ("the Eternal City"), Limen Apostolorum ("threshold of the Apostles"), la città dei sette colli ("the city of the seven hills") or simply l'Urbe ("the City").
I have to say that Rome is wasn´t what I expected... is even better! I took two different tours: One for the antique Rome and another for the Vatican City, both were amazing, the guide tour explain us everything very well and with many details.
Now I´m more exciting in knowing so much things about the Roman history, because in every stone, and in every antique esculture there´s something behind.

Monday 19 March 2007

Lond ON!

Last saturday I went to London, and It was A M A Z I N G !
I took a tour with the BIG BUS COMPANY, which has different coaches and routes, and they took me all around London for only 20 pounds! For me it was very cheap.
I had the chance to see the Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, MISTER Big Ben, Madame Tussaud's museum and a lot more!
I think that the most exciting part of my trip was when I've had the chance to walk through the streets where Sherlock Holmes investigates many crimes, or by the other hand, the streets where Jack The Ripper killed... little creepy uh? Yeap, but I liked all the misterious things.
The sad thing is that London is very expensive, that's why I couln't stay any longer, because I would had to pay for a hostel and maybe a taxi and other stuff, and I didn't have so much money... but It was OK, maybe some other time when I got more money, until then... CYA LONDON!
P.S. Next weekend: ROME!

Friday 16 March 2007

Living in Manchesta!

The first tought that I have when I decided to came and study English to Manchester was: "I think that in Manchester won't be too many mexicans, not even 'latinos' because it's too far from home"... that's was my first mistake! I don't know why, but it seems that everybody of Latinamerica is here! Sometimes is very cool to have someone to speak in your own language, but the main idea to came here was to speak, hear and think in English... anyway.
My second mistake was that I tought that England was cheap... NOT! But at least when I go back to my country, which is Mexico by the way (if you haven't notice), I know that I will start to appreciate my money a lot!

Thursday 15 March 2007

Irish Luck!

When I first arrive here, I had the opportunity to go to Dublin, the capital of Ireland, and I have to say that is a beautiful city.
I couln't take pictures of my trip because, at somepoint of my trip my camera was stolen... It was a very sad thing (Irish luck uh? Yeah, right jaja), but I've already buy a new one here in Manchester, which was very expensive, by the way.
Anyway, it was my first trip in Europe and it was really cool.

EF Student

I made this blog so I can practice my English while I'm studying in Manchester at EF International Language School... and to tell a little bit of the trips that I had the opportunity to made.